
Showing posts from 2019

Unprepared doesn't Mean Unmotivated

Facing the New Year~ All your friends are ready for their list. Yup! Wish-to do list, 2020 resolution's list, or whatever they've called it.  But, here you are. Stuck in the moment. You have no idea what to do in the next year. Have no specific dreams that you want to achieve, worrying about everything; What I should be doing? Will I have a great job? Will I graduate? Will I succeed?  Who am I  going to marry?  Where will I live? etc.  But you know what? It's completely okay. You don't need to know any of that now. There is such a thing as a process. Don't let your anxiety burn your spirits. It's okay to be unprepared.  Take a deep breath, rest your mind, and live your days consciously. Having your own space and get your energy from spending time on your own, that's just a version of heaven on Earth.  "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou Within my 21 years on Earth, I neve...

Belajar Nilai Kehidupan dari Sistem Subak dan Filosofi Tri Hita Karana (World Heritage Camp Indonesia 2019)

Hi Everyone! Aku kembali mendapat kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang hebat di sebuah program bernama "World Heritage Camp Indonesia (WHCI) 2019 di Ubud, Bali. Program ini adalah bimbingan teknis yang diselenggarakan oleh Kemdikbud RI untuk generasi muda agar mereka lebih memahami, mengenal dan terlibat aktif dalam pelestarian Warisan Budaya Dunia khususnya Indonesia. Nah, WHCI 2019 memfokuskan pada pengetahuan tentang salah satu Warisan Dunia  kategori  Cultural Site  yang ada di Indonesia   yaitu Lanskap Budaya Provinsi Bali: Sistem Subak Sebagai Manifestasi Filosofi Tri Hita Karana (selanjutnya disebut sebagai Sistem Subak). Para peserta mendapatkan kesempatan emas untuk melihat dan mempelajari Sistem Subak secara langsung di Ubud, Bali. Pada tulisan kali ini, aku akan fokus membahas Sistem Subak dan Filosofi Tri Hita Karana. Next time, aku akan share mengenai proses seleksi dan kegiatan sebagai peserta WHCI 2019 ya! S...

My First MUN Experience (Asia Youth International MUN 2019)

Hello, people of the internet! So, I'm a newbie right now. Tryna' make a blog just to share my "Unpredictable Journey". lol. Okay, let's start! On August 25th-28th, 2019 I just did my very first MUN (Model United Nations) ever. Basically, Model United Nations is a simulation of United Nations Conference attended by students, referred to as Delegates, who are assigned a country to represent in one of the United Nations numerous committees with pre-set topics to debate. One of the MUN executors that I know is the International Global Network (IGN) with its program "Asia Youth International Model United Nations" or known as AYIMUN. Asia Youth International MUN is one of the biggest MUN in Asia. One day I just lay on my bed and scrolling down my facebook pages. Suddenly there was one thing that attracts my attention. It is AYIMUN's ad. Without further ado, I registered myself and waiting for 3 days whether I got accepted or not. And afte...